
fun <T> Flow<T>.bufferCount(bufferSize: Int): Flow<List<T>>(source)

Buffers the source Flow values until the size hits the maximum bufferSize given.

Returns a Flow that emits buffers of items it collects from the current Flow. It emits connected, non-overlapping buffers, each containing bufferSize items. When the current Flow completes, the resulting Flow emits the current buffer and propagates the complete event from the current Flow. Note that if the current Flow throws an exception, that exception is passed on immediately without first emitting the buffer it is in the process of assembling.



The maximum size of the buffer emitted.

fun <T> Flow<T>.bufferCount(bufferSize: Int, startBufferEvery: Int): Flow<List<T>>(source)

Buffers a number of values from the source Flow by bufferSize then emits the buffer and clears it, and starts a new buffer each startBufferEvery values.

When the current Flow completes, the resulting Flow emits active buffers and propagates the complete event from the current Flow. Note that if the current Flow throws an exception, that exception is passed on immediately without first emitting the buffer it is in the process of assembling.



The maximum size of the buffer emitted.


Interval at which to start a new buffer. For example if startBufferEvery is 2, then a new buffer will be started on every other value from the source. A new buffer is started at the beginning of the source by default.