
sealed interface Event<out T>(source)

Represents the reactive signal types: value, error and complete, and holds their parameter values (a value, a Throwable, nothing).

Sequence grammar: value* (error | complete)



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data object Complete : Event<Nothing>

Complete event.

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class Error(val error: Throwable) : Event<Nothing>

A error event containing the error.

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class Value<out T>(val value: T) : Event<T>

A value event containing the given value.


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inline fun <T> Event<T>.errorOrNull(): Throwable?

Returns the encapsulated error if this Event is an Event.Error, otherwise returns null.

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inline fun <T> Event<T>.errorOrThrow(): Throwable

Returns the encapsulated error if this Event is an Event.Error. Otherwise, throws a NoSuchElementException.

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inline fun <T, R> Event<T>.flatMap(transform: (T) -> Event<R>): Event<R>

Returns the result of applying transform to this Event's value if this is a Event.Value. Otherwise, returns itself.

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inline fun <T, R> Event<T>.map(transform: (T) -> R): Event<R>

When this Event is a Event.Value, return a Event.Value containing transformed value using transform. Otherwise, returns itself.

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inline fun <T> Event<T>.valueOrDefault(defaultValue: T): T?

Returns the encapsulated value if this Event is a Event.Value, otherwise returns defaultValue.

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inline fun <T> Event<T>.valueOrElse(defaultValue: (Throwable?) -> T): T

Returns the encapsulated value if this Event is a Event.Value, otherwise returns the result of calling defaultValue function.

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inline fun <T> Event<T>.valueOrNull(): T?

Returns the encapsulated value if this Event is a Event.Value, otherwise returns null.

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inline fun <T> Event<T>.valueOrThrow(): T

Returns the encapsulated value if this Event is a Event.Value. If this is Event.Error, throws the encapsulated error. Otherwise, throws a NoSuchElementException.